Governing Body

The Governing Body (GB) is the supreme authority of the college for internal management and decision making process. It plays a pivotal role for infrastructural development and maintenance of quality education. The GB is very much concerned about providing students support and accessories.

Following are the list of members of Governing Body:


Sl. No         Name of the Member                                                  Designation

1.     Mrs. Chandika Dutta Konwar                                                 President

2.     Dr. Amulya Kr. Hazarika                                                        Principal & Secretary

3.     Mr. Prafulla Saikia                                                                  V. C’S Nominee (Member)

4.     Mr. Ratna Chutia                                                                     V. C’s Nominee (Member)

5.     Mrs. Abanti Devi                                                                     Teachers’ Representative Member

6.     Mr. Birinchi Hazarika                                                             Teachers’ Representative Member

7.     Mr. Bhaben Hazarika                                                              Guardian Member

8.     Mrs. Lakhimi Gogoi Saloi                                                      Guardian Member

9.     Mr. Tileswar Baruah                                                                Guardian Member

10.  Mr. Biswajit Saikia                                                                  Staff Representative Member


Moreover, the Governing Body (GB) is responsible for:


a)     The approval quality strategy for the college

b)     Managing the arrangements to obtain views from the staff and students about the adopted quality strategies

c)     Ensuring that public money is well used in the name of development of the college, its staff and students.

d)     Approving the Annual income and expenditure of the college

e)     Appointing new faculties including the position of the Principal

f)      It prepares and approves the payment and services of the employees